WFH Life 3 Essential Tips


If you’ve recently transitioned to working from home, this article is for you.

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are adjusting to the realities of working from home these past couple of weeks, including balancing the added challenges of sharing space with a partner or spouse who’s also now working from home and looking after children or teenagers who are home from school. This is no small feat, and actually getting things done can be daunting. So today I’m sharing my top 3 tips to work from home effectively and enjoyably.

We’ve all heard the standard #workfromhome advice: maintain regular hours, shower and get dressed like normal, schedule break times, limit distractions…

Still struggling? As someone who has worked from home for years, I have some extra tips up my sleeve that I haven’t seen shared much online these past couple of weeks.

Here are my top 3 tips on working from home effectively:

✨ Get in touch with the natural spikes and dips of your energy levels, and schedule accordingly

Everyone has natural ebbs and flows in their energy levels throughout the day, and knowing your natural pattern is important. 

If you know that you usually experience an energy slump around 3pm, plan your schedule around this. Maybe this is a good time to break for a quick walk around the block, to make an energizing and healthy snack, or to get some easier tasks off your plate, like admin work.

Likewise, if you know that you’re at your sharpest in the morning, you can schedule this time to work on your big projects, brainstorming, or your top priorities for the day. Leave tackling your inbox and taking phone calls for another time of the day.

✨ Create an effective home office/work space that TRULY works

Setting yourself up for success makes all the difference. You may not have a designated home office, or you may have to share this space with a partner or children. You can still create an effective work space. 

First things first: create a designated work space for the day. It could be as simple as a certain chair at the dining room table. Try not to work in your bedroom or on the couch, or anywhere that’s associated with leisure activities.

Secondly, get rid of all clutter and distractions. A clear space will help you keep a clear mind, and minimizing distractions really helps you to stay focused on the task at hand. Keep only what you need around your work space: relevant papers or files, a notebook and your favourite pen, a big glass of water, a cup of coffee – just the essentials. Declutter!

Lastly, add some inspiration. I love fresh flowers on my desk (or a few sprigs of pine, which can be acquired without going to the store) as well as essential oils in a diffuser (I use my diffuser daily!). For you it may be a candle, a favourite knick knack, crystals or a family photo. Add a little something that makes your space feel special and makes you smile.

 Set boundaries and get tough – both with yourself and with those around you

While it feels a bit like we’re in an alternate reality right now, where days of the week are forgotten and cheese and crackers is an acceptable meal, life goes on and structure is important. Create work hours and stick to them, even if they’re not 9 to 5. Let others in your home/family know when you’re working, and what that means to them (for example, staying out of the room or being quiet and not interrupting you). Decide ahead of time when you’ll take breaks for lunch, snacks, or a walk, and stick to those times (but adjust them the next day to get in tune with your energy patterns, as above!).

These are the tips that have helped me work efficiently and effectively from home for years.